
In the realm of painting, Moataz Alqaissy (°1986, Baghdad) demonstrates an approach, exploring the possibilities of the medium and challenging its conventions.  Alqaissy seeks to question the essence of painting itself.

Rather than accepting the notion that painting has reached its limits, Alqaissy pushes its boundaries, pondering questions that resonate within art history. He explores the spatial relationship between a painting and its environment, seeking to transcend imposed limits and redefine what constitutes a painting.

Alqaissy draws inspiration from his dual cultural heritage, having grown up in Iraq and now residing in Belgium, gracefully navigating the delicate balance between two worlds. His artistic journey is shaped by profound experiences influenced by the realities of war, instability, migration, and displacement. These experiences have left a profound impact on his artistic expression, evident in certain works.

In each canvas’s fold and every  tear on the surface, one can perceive the resilience and longing for stability forged from a turbulent past. The liberated canvases become vessels for personal narratives of struggle and hope. Alqaissy’s paintings bear witness to the complexities of human existence, delicately intertwining threads of memory and reflection.

However, Alqaissy humbly refrains from positioning himself as an activist, allowing his paintings to serve as an extension of his personal narrative and experiences. By freeing the canvas from its traditional function, he creates a space for the emergence of free forms, inviting viewers to contemplate universal aspects of human emotion and resilience.

Within the artist’s studio, a vibrant interplay of colors, forms, and textures unfolds. Alqaissy seeks harmony in this dynamic process, continually refining and balancing the primary and painterly elements. His artistic journey becomes a metaphor for self-discovery and transformation, reflecting the challenges faced in the aftermath of upheaval.

As you immerse yourself in Moataz’s artistic universe, you are invited to witness the interplay between tradition and innovation, form and emotion. His paintings serve as visual dialogues, evoking personal connections that transcend cultural boundaries. Alqaissy expands the horizons of painting, encouraging us all to dream beyond rectangular planes and embrace the limitless possibilities that await.